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——  作者:L.MONTOLIU J.P.CONCORDET    时间:2017-04-22 10:25:42    阅读数: 217

编者按:4月21日,EASL2017聚焦基础科学研究。“Basic science highlights: CRISPR-Cas: from discovery to applications”专题会议上,西班牙Lluis MONTOLIU教授和法国Jean-Paul CONCORDET教授分别介绍了对CRISPR-Cas系统的探索和CRISPR-Cas系统在基因操作中的应用。会后,本刊特邀两位教授为我们介绍CRISPR-Cas机制,及其如何为医学研究服务、为疾病治疗谋福利。
Prof. Montoliu: This is a very ancient mechanism, which has proven to be very effective in the prokaryotic world of bacteria, and they have been doing it for literally billions of years. When a virus infects a bacterium, they introduce their genome into the bacteria and as soon as they produce the genome, the genome is going to be digested and some of these pieces are going to be integrated into the genome of the bacteria. By doing that, the bacteria become resistant to being infected again by the same viruses. This occurs because the pieces of viral genome that are integrated into the bacteria have transcribed and in the process, the short RNA molecules are constantly circulating inside the bacteria. The next time the same virus visits the bacteria, these short RNAs will match with the viral DNA because they are in the same sequence, and be bound, ultimately being digested by the bacteria. So it is a very effective acquired system of defense. It is an immune system that operates at a molecular level in the bacteria. It is a “learned” defense that is transferred to the progeny of the bacteria.
Prof. Concordet: It is also interesting that if you go through the genome of the bacteria, you can get an idea of the different pathogens it has been exposed to (phages and plasmids). You can look at the part of the genome where these small pieces are residing and it provides an insight into the history of that bacterial strain. There are many applications for this mechanism. For example, in the dairy industry, where it is necessary to grow large volumes of bacteria for cheese or yoghurt production, they do not want their bacteria to be infected. They can effectively vaccinate their bacterial strains and select those that have acquired resistance to pathogens they might be exposed to. There is a potentially huge impact in microbiology as well, not only in genome editing.
Prof. Concordet: The real biological functions of the CRISPR-Cas system in bacteria are specifically aimed at immunity and defense against pathogens and foreign DNA.
Prof. Montoliu: Very rarely in nature in the prokaryotic world would such a mechanism develop and then be used for a single purpose. Normally, such a mechanism would be used for a variety of different purposes. Some microbiological studies suggest that besides being the basis of one of the prokaryotic immune mechanisms, the CRISPR-Cas system can also be used for gene regulation. Apparently, there are certain genes that can be regulated through CRISPR-Cas, so there is a coevolution of this immune mechanism that has adapted to regulate genes. Very recently, just a couple of months ago, it was reported that there is a bacteria which has the first inhibitor for this nuclease. This bacterium produces a product that inhibits this Cas9 nuclease so that it won’t autodigest its own genome. In this particular bacteria, the phage is already inserted in the bacterial genome, so it is able to survive. I assume there are other ways in which CRISPR-Cas is being used. It has been reported that viruses have kidnapped CRISPR-Cas systems from bacteria and have themselves developed CRISPR-Cas against the host CRISPR-Cas - an immune system from the virus against the immune system of the bacteria. These mechanisms are evolving all the time.
Prof. Concordet: The main application of CRISPR-Cas is in basic research in furthering knowledge and basic science, and contributing also to medical science through a better understanding of disease and the genetics underpinning disease processes. This most important application is already taking place in most labs around the world, including in China where there are very important contributions being made. In terms of treatment and potential therapeutics, the concept might be to modify genes and the mutations that are responsible for disease. Of course, we very much hope that genome editing using CRISPR-Cas will allow us to repair some of the mutations responsible for disease. There are hopes, but there will be lots of limitations and challenges in implementing these approaches, such as the delivery of the reagents and the overall efficiency and extent of any clinical impact. All of these factors will be intensely studied. In some diseases, there is hope that gene therapy based on CRISPR-Cas can provide an important contribution.
Prof. Montoliu: CRISPR-Cas has two main potential applications in medicine. Basic research is fundamental. But CRISPR-Cas can also allow an approach to disease in a more personalized manner. We would be able to model a disease according to the mutations that occurs in a particular patient, rather than proceeding genetically and creating cellular or animal models of a given disease with easy to produce mutations as we have been doing for over thirty years. Now we can move to reproduce exactly the same mutations that have been diagnosed in a human patient. In medicine, it is said that there are no diseases, but only patients. Potentially, we could not only reproduce an animal model of a genetic disease, but also an animal model of a given human individual. By studying several of these human individual models, we will come to better understand the origins of the disease process that will help develop treatments. Later on, we envisage that this technology will be important in gene therapy approaches. But before things come into clinical use, we need to sort out the limitations and problems associated with the use of CRISPR-Cas technology. CRISPR-Cas is great for what we are using it for, but we still cannot precisely control the allele that we are willing to produce. While we produce the desired allele, we will also be producing many other alleles. This is easy to control when dealing with cells or animals, but when applied to people, it is much more difficult and we need to be prudent before proceeding there.

